
In the Disney Pixar movie Ratatouille, there is the saying “anyone can cook.” We believe that anyone can learn to play an instrument or sing, as long as there is the right guidance, discipline, and passion to learn. As a worship team, our mission is to enable our congregation to fully engage in distraction free worship of the Almighty God. As a team, we seek to fully engage in worship not only on Sundays but also in our daily lives as well. We pray that we could be a people God can use to minister and move people’s hearts through songs and other media. We do have some requirements for serving, such as church membership and completion of discipleship training courses, and we hope to provide an avenue that people can serve and grow through being a part of our team.



Worship Leader

Hi there!  I am Albert, and I direct the worship ministry.  I grew up playing the violin, and while in high school I started learning simple praise songs on the guitar.  Many years after that, in ’98 I started playing acoustic guitar as part of our worship team, and even played bass for a few years.  Around 2010 I started leading our worship team, which was quite a challenge for me, because while I felt comfortable playing guitar, singing was (and is even today) something that does not come naturally for me 🙂  I am blessed to be surrounded by such a great team, and I really do believe anyone can learn music, with the right heart, discipline and passion.  
My wife Janice and I have been part of Bridgeway for almost 20 years.  Janice has played keys as part of the worship team, and in 2006-2017 we served leading our Santa Cruz college ministry.  We are blessed to have a son and daughter Noah and Noelle (both teenagers!).  I studied Chemical Engineering, and work full time as an engineer.  In addition to playing guitar, I also enjoy running and playing golf with friends.  Thanks for visiting our site!