Do you ever wonder whether there’s more to life than academic success, keeping up with the latest trends, or dealing with the pressure to fit in and live up to other people’s expectations – or your own?
Check out our Youth group and join a welcoming community that strives to understand the revolutionary message of Jesus Christ: that there is a love that not only embraces you just as are, but also transforms you from the inside out. Come join us as we dive into God’s word, have fun together, and develop friendships with one another.
Anyone who is between 6th and 12th grade is welcome!
We all meet together for the larger Sunday Service at 12:30pm in the main sanctuary.
After the service finishes and after our time of refreshments, we meet in the youth room at 2:15pm.
It depends on the week but we usually have a combination of: games, praise, lesson, small group, prayer.
Quarterly fun events and yearly spring retreat!
Warren and Miranda
Youth Ministry Directors
Hello! We are Warren and Miranda and we lead the Youth group. Growing up, our own youth group experiences laid the foundations for our faith, and we’re thankful to have the privilege of investing in the next generation to personally experience and live out the love of Jesus Christ. We both have engineering backgrounds, and we are blessed with two daughters, Bethany and Natalie.