What's happening this month
Bridgeway Church announcements: https://www.bridgewaysv.org/sun-announce
November Youth Announcements:
1) Reminder: Bowling+dinner (November 9, 4:00 – 8:00 PM)
This Saturday, we’ll be going bowling! We have about 20 youth signed up, plus teachers – should be a lot of fun.
Contact Teacher Mark
2) Nursing home visit – November 28
The Community Outreach Team (COT) is organizing a nursing home visit later this month. This time of year can sometimes be quite lonely, especially for the elderly, and this is a great opportunity to visit and share God’s love with others.
Please reach out to Teacher Yumi if you’re interested, she’ll be sending out details soon.
3) Save the date: Youth Retreat March 7-9, 2025
Based on the responses so far, we’ve picked the weekend of March 7-9 for our Youth Retreat next spring! It’s a little early but it gives us time to reserve spots at Mt. Hermon and also coordinate with our speaker.
Please do your best to reserve March 7-9. We were all so encouraged by the last retreat and hope that we can again experience God through next year’s retreat as well.
Please refer to Teacher Joshua’s emails for more details.
November Sunday Schedule
Topic |
November 3 |
Church anniversary and fellowship activity |
November 10 |
Mixed small group discussions |
November 17 |
Prayer/praise/testimonies |
November 24 |
Church Thanksgiving meal / fellowship |
Lord’s Supper on Sunday, 9/6/2020
We'll be partaking in the Lord's Supper on Sunday, 9/6/2020. Please get elements ready.
Ohana Bible Study – 9/11/2020
Ohana Bible Study resumes on Friday, 9/11/2020.
LIFE Bible Study – 9/11/2020
LIFE Bible Study resumes on Friday, 9/11/2020.
Wed. Prayer Meetings
Our regular Wednesday Prayer Meeting is on Wednesday night. Everyone is encouraged to join at 8 pm at church. The East Bay prayer meeting will be held at Phil and Miok’s house at the same time (except for the first Wed. of every month when there will be a joint...
Bridgeway Devotionals Info- 2020
For 2020, our daily devotion will come from “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. Please subscribe at https://utmost.org for the Modern Edition in preparation for the new year. The daily email will include a verse and devotional as well as links to a Bible...
Thanksgiving Service- November 24th
Please join us for Thanksgiving Service at Bridgeway on Sunday, November 24th.
Paul’s Theology Lecture (Sat.-9/21/19)
Please join us for a special lecture on Apostle Paul's Theology: Identity, Community, and Mission. The speaker is Dr. Max Lee, Associate Prof. of New Testament, North Park Theological Seminary. The lecture will be from 10 am - 4 pm (Bridgeway Church Fellowship Hall). ...
Summer Bible Study Series (Starting June 21st)
Healing Our Soul: Transforming Our Hearts Into God's Image Please join us from 7-9:30pm on Fridays at church for our 4 week summer Bible study series. Dinner and Childcare are provided. These are the weekly topics: 6/21- Insatiable appetite: Why do I keep desiring...
Good Friday Service- April 19th
The Good Friday Service will be held at 7pm at Bridgeway. Babysitting will not be available but school age children may attend with their parents.
Easter Sunday Service- April 21st
We will celebrate Easter Sunday with a baptism service and a special meal at our church. There will also be a Easter egg hunt for the children.