What's happening this month
Bridgeway Church announcements: https://www.bridgewaysv.org/sun-announce
November Youth Announcements:
1) Reminder: Bowling+dinner (November 9, 4:00 – 8:00 PM)
This Saturday, we’ll be going bowling! We have about 20 youth signed up, plus teachers – should be a lot of fun.
Contact Teacher Mark
2) Nursing home visit – November 28
The Community Outreach Team (COT) is organizing a nursing home visit later this month. This time of year can sometimes be quite lonely, especially for the elderly, and this is a great opportunity to visit and share God’s love with others.
Please reach out to Teacher Yumi if you’re interested, she’ll be sending out details soon.
3) Save the date: Youth Retreat March 7-9, 2025
Based on the responses so far, we’ve picked the weekend of March 7-9 for our Youth Retreat next spring! It’s a little early but it gives us time to reserve spots at Mt. Hermon and also coordinate with our speaker.
Please do your best to reserve March 7-9. We were all so encouraged by the last retreat and hope that we can again experience God through next year’s retreat as well.
Please refer to Teacher Joshua’s emails for more details.
November Sunday Schedule
Topic |
November 3 |
Church anniversary and fellowship activity |
November 10 |
Mixed small group discussions |
November 17 |
Prayer/praise/testimonies |
November 24 |
Church Thanksgiving meal / fellowship |
New Year’s Eve Service (12/31/17)
Please join us for our New Year's Eve Service at 11pm on Sunday, Dec. 31st.
Hallelujah Night (10.31.17)
Hallelujah Night will be on Tuesday Oct. 31st at church from 6:30-8:30pm! We will have an amazing, safe alternative to Halloween filled with food, a magic show and skit, praise and trunk-or-treating!
Bridgeway’s 11th Anniversary (11.5.17)
We will celebrate Bridgeway’s 11th anniversary on Sunday, November 5th and we will also have a baptism service that day.
Old Testament Survey Seminar (11.11.17)
There will be one day seminar - Old Testament Background and Survey by Dr. Jon Choi at church on Saturday, November 11th. We will be meeting from 10 to 3 pm with lunch and childcare provided.
LIFE Bible Study Kickoff on Fri., Sept. 8th
The LIFE group will be kicking off their Fall Bible Study on Friday, Sept 8th at 7:30pm at church. Join us for LIFE vision sharing, dinner, fellowship and more. Bible studies will continue to be held every Friday after that and will also include dinner.
Prayer Meetings Resume Wed., Sept. 6th
Our regular Wednesday prayer meetings will resume at church on September 6th at 8pm. In addition to the prayer meeting at church, regional prayer meetings begin on September 13th at Pastor Daniel’s house (South San Jose) and Phil Cheung’s house (East...
LIFE SUMMER BASH (Saturday, June 24th)
To celebrate the start of summer, please join us for the LIFE Summer Bash on Saturday, 6/24, from 4-9pm at the Church Fellowship Hall. We will have lots of games set up, good food, and best of all - fellowship with other LIFE friends. The cost is free and this is a...
Summer IMs (starts Sunday, July 9th)
Please join us for summer volleyball IMs after the service/fellowship time on Sundays! Hope to see you out on the courts at Mitchell Park!
Summer Cross Training (starts Friday, July 7th)- 6 weeks
Our summer church-wide Cross Training will begin Friday, July 7th, 7:30 p.m. at church for 6 weeks. We will be offering six different classes. Please send a message through the Contacts page if you are interested.
Campus Point Reyes Trip
Join us for fun camping trip on October 14th through 16th! All campus students are welcome! More details will be coming soon!