Event Sign-up

2025 Retreat Info

What's happening this month

Bridgeway Church announcements: https://www.bridgewaysv.org/sun-announce

November Youth Announcements:

1) Reminder: Bowling+dinner (November 9, 4:00 – 8:00 PM)
This Saturday, we’ll be going bowling!  We have about 20 youth signed up, plus teachers – should be a lot of fun.
Contact Teacher Mark

2) Nursing home visit – November 28
The Community Outreach Team (COT) is organizing a nursing home visit later this month. This time of year can sometimes be quite lonely, especially for the elderly, and this is a great opportunity to visit and share God’s love with others.
Please reach out to Teacher Yumi if you’re interested, she’ll be sending out details soon. 

3) Save the date: Youth Retreat March 7-9, 2025
Based on the responses so far, we’ve picked the weekend of March 7-9 for our Youth Retreat next spring!  It’s a little early but it gives us time to reserve spots at Mt. Hermon and also coordinate with our speaker.

Please do your best to reserve March 7-9. We were all so encouraged by the last retreat and hope that we can again experience God through next year’s retreat as well. 
Please refer to Teacher Joshua’s emails for more details.


November Sunday Schedule



November 3

Church anniversary and fellowship activity

November 10

Mixed small group discussions

November 17


November 24

Church Thanksgiving meal / fellowship

VBS – 6.4.16

VBS is this coming Saturday, June 4th from 4 to 7:30 PM.  Volunteers should come by 1 PM to help set up and prepare for VBS.  There will be a special work night this Friday, June 3rd from 8 to 11 PM to finalize props and decorate the church for VBS.

Memorial Day Picnic

We will have our annual church-wide Memorial Day picnic at Murdock Park in West San Jose (at the corner of Wunderlich Dr & Castle Glen Ave) on Monday 5/30/2016 at 11:00 a.m. beginning with a BBQ lunch as well as fun activities for all ages. We will collect a...

Good Friday Service

For Good Friday, we will have a joint service with the Crossroads congregation at 7:30 pm at church. Families with children are welcome to join but no childcare will be provided. During this coming Passion Week, we encourage everyone to spend time reflecting on the...

Baptism 11.22.15

There will be a baptism on Sunday, November 22nd. If you would like to get baptized, please let your department director or Pastor Chris know.

Operation Christmas Child

This year, we will meet all together on Saturday, November 14th, at 5pm (dinner provided) at church to assemble shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! There will be an information table and sign-ups for boxes today during fellowship time.

One Day Retreat – 11.7.15

Our annual One Day Retreat will be held on Saturday, November 7th from 9:30 AM to 7 PM at Mt. Hermon Conference Center in Santa Cruz. If you have any questions, please talk to your department or campus director.